“As artists, we are “burdened” to be historians. We have stories to tell, feelings to evoke, changes to feed and education to uphold. We are only vessels to the betterment of humanity” - Nathalie JB


NJB Arts

I am Nathalie Jean-Baptiste:
A Haitian immigrant painter, writer, cook, baker and podcast host based in New York City. Over the past 18 years, many have described me as a Renaissance Woman due to my many interests; all rooted in my love of learning and strong belief in doing things scared.

My goal is to use art as a means to awaken, educate, create, entertain and most importantly HEAL. I have always seen beauty in everything; from the decor of a home to how a person gets to express an inner feeling. Many times I’ve thought about how I could explain what I do: Well, seems like I just do ART.

The Oxford dictionary describes art as the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, (…) producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.

See what I mean? I do art! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Come trust the journey with me!

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 Below, is my 2010 series of black and white paintings (created after surviving the 2010 earthquake in Haïti). These pieces come from a time in my life where I dared to DARE: Focusing on how emotions tied into movement and the nature of space, traditions and culture.


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